Sunday, November 3, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 11.1.13

This week Mrs. Marshall's fifth grade friends wrapped up their spiders and bats unit. The week just flew by (no pun intended). We started the week off excited about Halloween. We were invited by Room 212 from KMS to make cupcakes and play games. Mrs. Schweickert and her class did a lovely job on making us feel welcomed. To prep my kids for going to a new place, we did a social story about KMS, the teacher, the rules we will follow, and to have fun. I am so proud of the students. They were very well mannered and we all had so much fun.

We will be sure to write out thank you cards on Monday. We are hoping we can get together again with Room 212. We were lucky that KIS Achieve was able to make connections with our units of bats. We made bat cupcakes!

KIS goes all out for Halloween. Mr. DiCello was dressed a fox and the PTO made our hall look like a real haunted house! Mrs. Robertson invited our kids to make slime and we made a scarecrow in Mrs. Marshall's class.

My brave girls even went past the scary haunted house to have their face painted.

This week we reviewed:

Word Wall: there use, an, each, which (Reiterated not the same witch from Halloween) Reviewed past sight words and made sentences.

Fall Word Wall: bats, nocturnal, life-cycle, Indians

Reading: Farm Animals

Phonics: consonant digraphs

Language Arts: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words

Social Studies: Plain Indians

Writing: Writing a thank you letter

Math:Geometric Shape Sort, time, money, Touch Math addition,

Science: Bats

Dates to Remember:

11/4 - Book Fair Week

11/6 - Gr.4 Breakfast & Books 7:15AM

11/7 - Gr.5 Breakfast & Books 7:15AM

11/11 - Veteran’s Day

11/13 - KIS PTO Mtg. 9:30 AM

11/18 - United Way Week

11/21 - Geauga ACHIEVE Movie Day

11/22 - APE Field Trip Swimming

11/27 - No School - Conference Break

11/28 - No School -Thanksgiving Day

11/29 - No School –Thanksgiving Break

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