Sunday, January 12, 2014

Weekly Newsletter 1.10.14

Happy New Year! The students were treated to an extended vacation this week but I have to admit that I was so anxious to get back into routine and see the kids. KIS Geauga Achieve, as well as the entire KIS staff and administration, were sad to see Mrs. Karn leave. She had been with my students for a long time and we all miss her. The students, Mrs. Pokorny and I welcomed Mrs. Rugg to our class. Mrs. Rugg came from Cardinal and has been with the program for a long time. We are very excited to have her here. This week, KIS ACHIEVE continued Touch Math Unit 2: Introducing Place Value Tens and Ones. We reinforce this skill daily in our "Rise and Shine" binder.

In Social Studies, we continued our unit on civilization. We focused on the rest of the characteristics that make an ideal civilization and will be learning about the Mayans. With that being said, the students target skills will be to • identify the major locations on a globe and the areas (present day countries) that were inhabited by the Maya, Aztec, and Inca. Student should be able to locate the prime meridian, poles, hemispheres, continents, and oceans as well as Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Peru. We started making our globes this week.

I am excited to begin our Matter unit. This is almost a two month unit that will have a lot of hands on activities and experiments. The students learning target this week were to understanding solids, liquids and gasses by using tactile senses to comprehend and retain information. We split up into stations the students and with this first activity the students learned that solids have all sorts of shapes. As they experimented with the water, they discovered that liquids take the shapes of their containers. They will also recognize that liquids are visible and can be seen. Mrs. Pokorny guided the last activity which gives the class the idea that gases takes on the shapes of their containers but that the container needs to be sealed to trap the gas. Lastly, they learned that gases are present everywhere but often invisible. The students used their graphic organizer that asked if they could use their five senses with solid, liquid and gas.

This week we reviewed:

Word Wall Fry Words: go, see, way, could, people

ELA: Identify main idea and summarize text.

Math: Individual Goals and reinforcing Base 10

Reading Stories: Some students read Winter Fun while others read Places People Live.

Dates to Remember:

1.17 - Mrs. Marshall (Professional Development Day)

1.20 - No School Martin Luther King Day

1.24 - APE Field Trip Bowling

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