Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Weekly Newsletter 3.21.14

This week, KIS ACHIEVE finished up their math alternative assessments. I am happy to report, that so far all students went up from last year with most passing! I am amazed at the energy and how hard they are working. This week we will work on the 5th grade Science and then we will be all done!

Some students continued to work on arrays while other students mastered visual division. Next week, I will introduce mixed numbers and fractions. They also reviewed the concepts of the positions, counting sets, addition, subtraction, sorting, patterns, charting, and following directions.

This week, we focused on using the words “nonfiction” (also known as “real” or “informational”) and “facts.” Students will be asked to identify the main idea of a text and determine the details that support the main idea. The main idea is what the text is mostly about. The main idea can also be called the central idea. At home you can help your child with main idea by reading with them. When they finish a chapter ask “What was that chapter mostly about?” ,“What details support the main idea?”.

“Quick! What’s the difference between Incas, Aztecs and Mayans?” The students just learned about the Aztecs and now will focus on the Incas. We will examine and compare the Aztec and Inca civilizations today. For each of the themes, our format will be similar: How was this theme illustrated in the life of the Atzecs? How was this theme illustrated in the life of the Incas? What are key similarities between the two civilizations with respect to the theme? What are key differences between the two civilizations with respect to the theme? What is the significance of these similarities and/or differences?

Dates to Remember:

3.24-28: Right to Week

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