Sunday, September 22, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 9.20.13

This week, KIS ACHIEVE students continued to work on our Charlotte's Web book. I sent home the book and their comprehension packet for you to review. We will continue to work on Charlotte's Web and cannot wait to move into Global Read Aloud. Most of the students are working on Touch Math to reinforce their number sense. Everyone is doing a wonderful job. We have worked on the skills of reading and writing numbers 0-5. We have also focused on the concepts of greater than, less than and equal to. Finally, we have started working on the concept of one more. Since we have such a diverse group of learners, my other students are working on multiplication and arrays. I would like to try to enhance fluency so we may be doing quick drills daily. We will be introducing our Fall unit this week.

Unfortunately, Mother Nature was not too kind to us this past Friday. We were forced to cancel out field trip but I am happy to report that it has been rescheduled for Friday, September 27th. Students will get on the bus at 10:30am, golf from 11-12 and take a trip to Wendy’s in Chardon for lunch. We will return to school by 1:30. I will send out a menu for Wendy's and forms for you to order and send money. If you want your child to bring their lunch that is fine too. We were able to participate in International Peace Day this past Friday. The student's made flags in Mrs. Allemang's art class. International Day of Peace provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations and nations to create practical acts of peace on a shared date. In 2002, the General Assembly officially declared Sept. 21 as that date but because it fell on a Saturday, Kenston students celebrated Friday, Sept. 20. We also kicked off the KIS PTO Fundraiser. The kids got to see their favorite Kenston teachers do activities in the gym. Everyone was super excited with lots of high energy. We sent the packet home with you.

This week we reviewed:

Spelling Words: as, with, his, they, I

Wilson Reading: short a sound and students read aloud Let’s Be Pals and Zak and Cat

Social Studies: All About Me Timeline

Writing: Our Address Social Studies Strand - All About Me

Math: Base 10 number operations

Science: Animal identification

Dates to know:

9/27: APE Field Trip - Putt Putt

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 9.13

Good Morning! It is hard to believe we have been in school for over a month! September has been flying by and the students are settled in.

The students will be taking their STARS assessments soon. STAR assessments allow teachers to accurately evaluate students’ abilities in just 10 to 15 minutes. I will then use information provided by the assessments to target instruction, provide students with the most appropriate instructional materials, and intervene with struggling students. They are not allowed to use accommodations for these tests but there will NOT be a grade. All students will get a “benchmark score” (completed 3 times a year) and we’ll use the assessments to progress monitor (approx. every 2 weeks) your child as well.

We were visited by our therapy dog Calena. The students had so much fun and we are happy to welcome her every two weeks. :)

The students read the first four chapters of Charlotte's Web. We completed comprehension checks and they were introduced to the characters. On "Fun Friday" we watched the first few chapters during lunch.


This week we reviewed:

Spelling Words: he, was, for, on, are; 5th Grade Sight Words: exercise, dance, expensive, forecast, heart

Wilson Reading: 3 sounds in a word - cat, mat, sat

Social Studies: All About Me and Hero's of 911

Writing: Our Address Social Studies Strand - All About Me

Math: Count with base ten blocks using a cube (1) and a long (10), Addition numbers 1-5 using touch points

Science: Weather Unit - Weather Sort

Dates to know:

9/20: APE Field Trip - Putt Putt

To reinforce the skills we learned in class. I would love if your children could practice Spelling City at home. It has some wonderful games with their targeted sight words. See the sidebar under websites to login.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 9.6.13

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for the wonderful items our kiddo's shared in their "Me Bags." We enjoyed seeing family pictures, baby pics, and items that were special to them. :) Some students will be sharing on Monday and we cannot wait.

Friday picture day was a success. Thank you Mrs. K. for making sure that our students had beautiful smiles. The boys looked handsome and the girls looked very pretty. (They are always adorable)

In Social Studies, our topic will be "All About Me" unit. This will tie into our Grade 5 standards. <

Theme: Regions and People of the Western Hemisphere

Strand: History

Topic Historical Thinking: Historical thinking begins with a clear sense of time – past, present and future – and becomes more precise as students progress. Historical thinking includes skills such as locating, researching, analyzing and interpreting primary and secondary sources so that students can begin to understand the relationships among events and draw conclusions.

Content Statement: 1. Multiple-tier timelines can be used to show relationships among events and places.

We lesson will be to create a timeline. I am so excited because I cannot wait to see all of the special events in my student's life.

Parents: If you could send 4-5 pictures in your child's life we will create our timeline. I understand how precious pics are. Your children are my son's age and I think digital cameras came around a few years after 2002. I will copy the photos, laminate them and return them ASAP. If you were able to print the digital on paper, I can laminate it as well. If you do not have a colored printer, please email them to me and I will print. I will send a hard copy note in case you did not read the blog. I would like them in by Tuesday or Wednesday.

This week we reviewed:

Spelling Words: in, is, you, that, it; 5th Grade Sight Words: exercise, dance, expensive, forecast, heart

Wilson Reading: Consonants

Vocabulary in Social Studies: longitude, latitude, equator

Writing: Our Address (Social Studies Strand - All About Me)

Math: Number Recognition and addition with manipulatives

Science: Weather Unit - KWL Chart on Weather.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend with your family. Mine was busy as usual. My son had his first football scrimmage and my youngest daughters 4th birthday is today. :) Again, if you have questions, please email or call.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 8.30.13

Good Evening Parents! It is 8:30 p.m. on Friday as I am writing you and it is dark outside  Where did the summer go? I guess this means we are quickly approaching fall. The past two weeks in the class have been busy following our various schedules of inclusion, therapists, gaining trust, and learning routines.

As we roll into September, I am looking forward to introducing new concepts to the kids. One, will be a Math Journal called “Number of the Day.” You will get one from your child each quarter. I will have them work on it during math centers. It is great because I can also differentiate each student’s abilities.

Second, we will be participating in a program called Global Read Aloud.

Last year, one of the book studies was Charlotte’s Web. Since Global Read Aloud does not start until September 30th, I would like to practice the student’s stamina of reading/listening to a chapter book. We will do a modified version of Charlotte’s Web starting Tuesday.

Reading: We will continue to practice our mastered sight words as well as introduce new ones.

Science: Nonliving/Living Unit

Social Studies: Maps and Community

Math: Work on individual IEP goals…ranging from Number Sense to Applications

Spelling: We spelled our sight words using play dough this week. (Sorry for the mess!)

Important Dates:

September 6 - Picture Day

I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!