Sunday, September 15, 2013

Weekly Newsletter 9.13

Good Morning! It is hard to believe we have been in school for over a month! September has been flying by and the students are settled in.

The students will be taking their STARS assessments soon. STAR assessments allow teachers to accurately evaluate students’ abilities in just 10 to 15 minutes. I will then use information provided by the assessments to target instruction, provide students with the most appropriate instructional materials, and intervene with struggling students. They are not allowed to use accommodations for these tests but there will NOT be a grade. All students will get a “benchmark score” (completed 3 times a year) and we’ll use the assessments to progress monitor (approx. every 2 weeks) your child as well.

We were visited by our therapy dog Calena. The students had so much fun and we are happy to welcome her every two weeks. :)

The students read the first four chapters of Charlotte's Web. We completed comprehension checks and they were introduced to the characters. On "Fun Friday" we watched the first few chapters during lunch.


This week we reviewed:

Spelling Words: he, was, for, on, are; 5th Grade Sight Words: exercise, dance, expensive, forecast, heart

Wilson Reading: 3 sounds in a word - cat, mat, sat

Social Studies: All About Me and Hero's of 911

Writing: Our Address Social Studies Strand - All About Me

Math: Count with base ten blocks using a cube (1) and a long (10), Addition numbers 1-5 using touch points

Science: Weather Unit - Weather Sort

Dates to know:

9/20: APE Field Trip - Putt Putt

To reinforce the skills we learned in class. I would love if your children could practice Spelling City at home. It has some wonderful games with their targeted sight words. See the sidebar under websites to login.

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