Friday, February 7, 2014

Blizzard Bags

Kenston Intermediate School Geauga ACHIEVE Blizzard Bags

Kenston has filed and been approved by the Ohio Department of Education to use “BlizzardBags” to make up three additional days of school. This tool allows students to get an assignment on-line from their teacher’s webpage. The “Blizzard Bag” program allows students to complete assignments without extending classes into the summer.

Blizzard Bag Day 1


Read one book to/with your child, or have him/her read a book to you

Go to, click on grade K, and play one of the following games in the “Letters” section:

Sight word

Alphabetical order

Spelling practice

Sight word practice:

Build sight words: “Play ABC & 123 Magnets” on using the following sight words:

and, can, look, at, like, am, not, play, she, are


Go to and choose a story to listen to. Then, draw a picture of the characters and tell your parents what your favorite part of the book was.


Play “marble math addition” on

Science/Social Studies:

Choose one:

Get a bowl full of snow from outside. Time how long it takes to melt. OR Get an ice cube out of the freezer. Put it in a bowl and time how long it takes to melt.

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