Sunday, February 2, 2014

Weekly Newsletter 1.31.14

What a week! Even though we had four snow days in a row, I think the kids did more work in two days than the whole year! I was so proud of how well they transitioned back to school. I also appreciate the work they did over break.

Groundhog Day is all about fun! Groundhog Day comes only once a year and I wanted to teach the students how its arrival is eagerly awaited by thousands of Phil's faithful followers. They learned that if Phil sees his shadow on February 2nd, six more weeks of winter weather will befall the world. If no shadow is apparent we're in for the delights of an early spring. We watched a video on groundhog day and completed a graphic organizer of Groundhog's are, have, and can. The students pointed out he is furry, has big teeth, can whistle, and hibernate. We all made a prediction (we reviewed prediction is a guess) if the groundhog would see sun or shadow. I had the students touch sun or shadow. Some verbally expressed their prediction. It was a tie of four and four. I saved their predictions and we will review them on Monday.

Gung Hay Fat Choy 2014! Friday was Chinese New Year, Happy Year of the Horse! This is one of my favorite units to teach for Social Studies. The students don't get a chance to learn about this very often so they are always so engaged! We of course have to cover where China is on the map and where it is in relation to the USA. They can't believe how far away it is from us. We watched a short clip on Discovery Education and the students were presented with a Chinese New Year Word Wall. I explained how the pictures related to the celebration and also had them hold, use, and eat some of the words on the pictures. The students learned what animal they were for their birth year. Since most were born in 2002, they ended up being the horse. Others who were 2003, were sheep. They added their animal and year of birth on their red and yellow lanterns. We "attempted" to make rice (ended up hard), used chopsticks, ate oranges (good luck), and fortune cookies. We also sang "Happy Birthday" to Alex and Micah. Thank you for the brownies!

Tickets for the 4th Annual Geauga Achieve 2014 Dinner and Auction Fundraiser are now available! Tickets will again be sold $50 per couple. This includes dinner, dessert, coffee & soft drinks, 2 drink tickets. 4 Chinese auction tickets, and a chance at the $1000 reverse raffle prize. The event will include side boards, Chinese auction, silent auction, balloon pops, and the locked box with keys. The location this year is again the Bond Building at Century Village in Burton and will take place on Friday February 28th from 6:00-10:00pm. Contact Robin Ludwig ( or 440-477-7865) to purchase your ticket. There are 150 tickets available this year.

This week we reviewed:

Word Wall Fry Words: find, long, down, day, did

ELA: Compare and contrast main points and key details

Math: Math Journal, Represent and solve multiplication and division facts

Writing: Introducing complete paragraph and topic sentence

Dates to Remember:

2.14 No School - Professional Development Day)

2.17 No School - Presidents Day

2.28 - 4th Annual Geauga Achieve 2014 Dinner and Auction Fundraiser

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