Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekly Newsletter 4.25.14

Our class transitioned quite beautifully back from Spring Break. I hope everyone has a restful, wonderful vacation. I know I was anxious to see the kids again. On Friday, we had a cereal party to celebrate with Mrs. Robertson's class for winning the box tops contest.

We also had a send off for our Superintendent Dr. Lee. All the students in KIS wore masks with his face on it. Check it out!

Over the past two weeks we have been talking about fractions. We talked about fractions being parts of something that are equal or the same size. They enjoyed doing this and it really helped them see that cutting something into halves means there are two pieces that are the same in size. They were able to put both pieces of their drawing together to see that they fit together and were the same size. We have been working on identifying equivalent fractions and comparing fractions. The students have used manipulatives to develop a concrete understanding of these skills and will start looking at this idea more abstractly next week.

The students will learn to write a "How To" paragraph. They are very short paragraphs, but they are still paragraphs, none the less! Students will write a paragraph on how to build a snowman. Some of you are wondering why I am bringing you back to this terrible winter, but most of your kids have applied this and they will be able to visualize.

Students will continue to read expository texts as well as Fiction texts to answer the essential questions, “What causes different kinds of weather? and "Why is understanding how weather forms important to our lives?" This will tie into our May unit of weather.

The students are reading How is the Weather Today?(Level F)The book introduces the students to different types of weather that occur during each season. The text describes typical activities and appropriate clothes to wear for each season. The target reading strategy is visualization.

In Social Studies, the students will be exposed to the relationship between those in power and individual citizens in a democracy, a dictatorship and a monarchy.

In Science, the students will put together a constellation chart to prepare us for our Nature Scope field trip on May 16th with Mrs. Robertson's class. Here is some important information about the field trip, buses will leave KIS at 9:00 am. They will return at 2:00 pm. Students will need to dress for the weather and for outdoors. They will also need their field guides, binoculars, and a brown, bag lunch. i sent home binoculars a few months ago when they came to KIS. If you can find those and send them back for the trip, that would be great. If not, I can see if we have extra.

High Frequency Words: how, know, want, will

Vocab: icy, seasons, stormy, weather, windy

Important Dates to Remember:

5.1.14: Timmons 3rd graders coming to visit

5.9.14: APE Trip to Prestons Hope

5.16.14: KIS 5th Grade trip Nature Scope Binocular Blitz Graduation

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