Sunday, May 4, 2014

Weekly Newsletter 5.2.14

This week, our students read Spring is Here i introduces readers to the signs of spring in different outdoor settings, such as the garden, pond, and mountains. The text includes a table of contents and glossary of content vocabulary words. The text includes a table of contents and glossary of content vocabulary words. We continued to use the reading strategy of visualizing to understand text.

We are continuing working on our individual goals and have finished up our unit on Fractions and will be moving into measurement. We will look closely at the different systems of measurement and engage in measurement experiments!

This week in Science, we also continued talking about the season of spring and what happens to plants outside. We named the parts of a plant (roots, leaves, stem, and flower) and then talked about the life cycle.

We are continuing Social Studies learning about Democracy and Monarchy. The students will learn that around the world, countries and people are governed by a variety of different types of governments, such as democracies, dictatorships and monarchies.

High Frequency Words: days, from, soon

Vocab Words: buds, bulbs, dandelion, gophers, shoots, water lily Important Dates to Remember:

5.9.14: APE Trip to Prestons Hope

5.16.14: KIS 5th Grade trip Nature Scope Binocular Blitz Graduation

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