Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Weekly Newsletter 5.23.14 & 5.28.14

It is hard to believe that the end of the school year has arrived! The year’s end always brings with it a tremendous sense of accomplishment. So many things have been accomplished this year! The past week had many activites from field day, fishing, talent show to graduation. Of course, we should not forget the tremendous amount of learning which has taken place during the year. Throughout all of these activities our students have demonstrated great character!

Kenston Intermediate 5th Grade Field Day took place last Wednesday, May 21st. Even though it rained, we were still able to make it a fun day. We started our morning going through stations with Mrs. Robertson's class. The kid competed in minature golf, pin the tail, hula hoop contest and more. Mother Nature was kind to us in the afternoon. We watched the tug of war and were treated to ice cream. Thanks to Mr. Hall and the parent volunteers for putting this together.

More good news for the kids last week! The fishing trip that was originally scheduled for Wednesday, May 21st and conflicted with our field day was moved to Thursday, May 22nd due to the rain. The Rotary Club organized a wonderful day and the volunteers were amazing! They all worked so well with our students and it was a big success!

Today, we watched the KIS Talent Show at the High School and saw a lot of songs from the movie Frozen! The students were engaged the whole time and sat very nice. I was very proud of them. We finished the day with an end of the year party. The kids danced and hung out with their friends. A fun time was had by all!!!

All five of my students have been together since first grade. Each one is going to have an amazing transition to middle school and I am going to miss all of them. I also am so lucky to have had such wonderful support from my lovely parents. Have a great summer!

Here are some good websites to practice their IEP goals with this summer.

This is a great resource for summer reading. I have entered all of the students and under class enter: GeaugaAchieve

Your child's name will be first name and first and last initial of last name. Just click on it and start reading! <p>

It is also on iTunes

The kids can practice 2 digit addition with or without regrouping

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